How to Create a Facebook Group for Your Business [+ Why You Should]

Trending 9 months ago

In short: Facebook groups are undeniably valuable.

Facebook logo wrong a starburst connected an orangish inheritance surrounded by hearts

If you‘re willing successful learning really to create a Facebook Group, you’re successful nan correct place. We'll besides research nan differences betwixt Facebook groups and Pages and whether aliases not it's worthy nan effort.

Dive successful from nan beginning, aliases usage nan links beneath to jump to a section.

  • Should you create a Facebook Group for your business?
  • Facebook Group vs. Facebook Page
  • How to Create a Facebook Group
  • How to Pin a Post successful a Facebook Group
  • How to Create a Poll successful a Facebook Group
  • How to Create a Private Facebook Group
  • Facebook Group Management Tips

 How to Reach & Engage Your Audience connected Facebook

Should I create a Facebook group for my business?

Yes, you should create a Facebook group for your business, but it should person a intent that makes users want to subordinate and lend to nan conversations happening wrong nan group.

Recently, companies person taken advantage of groups. Peloton, for instance, uses groups to link its users and facilitate a abstraction wherever group tin stock workout plans, training methods, and workout schedules pinch 1 another.

Other brands, including National Geographic and Instant Pot, person followed suit, creating their ain community-focused groups to animate action, promote engagement, and summation marque loyalty.

Even HubSpot precocious created its ain backstage group, Marketer to Marketer.

But Facebook groups should enactment arsenic a measurement to bring your consumers straight into nan fold of your brand. These groups are unsocial successful a measurement that different societal media platforms are not. On Instagram, Reddit, and Twitter, consumers tin talk astir your brand, and your marque tin chime successful connected nan conversation. But pinch Facebook groups, your marque is creating abstraction and conversations for consumers to speak straight to representatives of your company. This move tin beryllium powerful for a plethora of usage cases.

But what a Facebook group cannot do is go a substitute for a Facebook page. To beryllium successful successful your Facebook trading strategy, you'll apt request both.

Facebook Group vs. Facebook Page

So what are nan differences betwixt a Facebook group and a Facebook Page.

Most businesses should person a Facebook Page. A Page is simply a public-facing floor plan to station company-relevant updates and announcements to Facebook users at-large. On nan Page, you tin tally advertisements aliases sponsor posts you've created.

If you‘re a nonprofit organization, a Page besides enables you to station a ’Donate' fastener to summation donations from nan Facebook community.

Considering Nearly 3 cardinal people are connected Facebook, it's captious that your business has a Facebook Page to summation marque awareness, advertise to caller audiences, cod assemblage insights, and moreover chat pinch users looking for customer service.

As Gary Vaynerchuk told HubSpot's CEO Brian Halligan, “... You can't beryllium live successful nan crippled without a Facebook.”

All of which is to say: Having a Facebook Page is simply a request for getting your business progressive connected 1 of nan largest societal media platforms.

A Facebook group, connected nan different hand, is overmuch smaller-scale and typically much exclusive than a Page. For instance, pinch a group, you‘re capable to group up unfastened membership, rank upon approval, aliases moreover rank by invitation only. Then, erstwhile members are accepted into your group, they’re capable to freely station and prosecute pinch 1 another.

Simply put, a Facebook Page is company-focused, while a Facebook group is community-focused.

A group is simply a bully thought if you‘re willing successful connecting your customers aliases leads to 1 another, you want to facilitate a consciousness of organization surrounding your brand, aliases you’re hoping to showcase your marque arsenic a thought leader successful nan industry.

However, a group is not a bully thought if you want to usage it to raise consciousness astir your products aliases services, aliases simply usage it to station institution announcements.

People want to subordinate groups successful which they consciousness a consciousness of belonging and relationship pinch chap group members, and to study astir an manufacture at-large—which takes effort, resources, and clip to guarantee your squad tin deliver.

If you don't consciousness you person nan resources to cultivate a valuable, engaging Facebook group, it mightiness beryllium champion to hold until you do.

However, if you‘ve wished a Facebook group is nan correct determination for your ain business, let’s research really you tin create one.

But first, for a deeper dive into why you whitethorn want to usage Facebook Groups for your business, cheque retired our video guideline below:

How to Create a Facebook Group for Your Business

1. On your company's Facebook homepage, click “Groups” connected nan left-hand side.

the group fastener connected facebook homepage

2. Click nan “+ Create New Group”.

create caller group fastener connected facebook

3. Type successful a Group Name, and past take your privateness (Public versus Private). You besides person nan action to induce Facebook friends instantly if you'd like. Then, click “Create”.

dashboard for creating a caller facebook group

4. Click “Edit” connected your screen photograph to take from Facebook photos, illustrations, aliases upload a photograph from your computer.

the edit fastener to alteration your facebook group screen photo

5. Add a explanation to your Group truthful group cognize what your group is about. Additionally, if you want to create a backstage group for customers, you tin copy-and-paste customer email addresses into your “Invite” box.

the container connected a facebook group to adhd a group explanation aliases induce friends

And that's it! Your Facebook Group is now ready-to-go.

However, to promote beardown retention and engagement, you'll want to beryllium an progressive organization lead. To pin posts, create a canvass successful nan group, and more, support reading.

How to Pin a Post successful a Facebook Group

A pinned station is simply a station that will stay astatine nan apical of your group's timeline for 7 days (unless you unpin earlier then).

This is important if you‘ve posted contented to promote engagement. For instance, if you’ve posted an Ask Me Anything, you mightiness want to pin that station to guarantee users tin find it easy moreover erstwhile group members commencement posting their ain contented connected nan timeline.

Additionally, if you‘ve posted to invited caller members to nan organization and supply immoderate basal accusation connected your group, you mightiness want to support that station pinned to guarantee caller users person nan correct discourse arsenic soon arsenic they jump into your group for nan first clip (of course, you’ll besides want to supply discourse successful your description, arsenic well).

1. To pin a post, you‘ll first request to type your connection into nan "What’s connected your mind“ box, and past click ”Post".

2. Once nan station is published, click nan 3 dots astatine nan apical correct of your station and prime “Mark arsenic announcement”:

the fastener to pin a station connected facebookAnd that's it! Your station is now pinned to nan apical of your timeline for nan adjacent 7 days.

Next, let's dive into really you tin create a canvass successful your caller group.

How to Create a Poll successful a Facebook Group

1. To create a canvass successful a Facebook group, commencement by clicking into nan “What's connected your mind?” box. Then, click connected nan 3 dots that opportunity “More”:
the 3 dots you request to click to create a facebook poll

2. Next, click “Poll” retired of your paper options.

the canvass instrumentality wrong facebook

3. Type your canvass mobility into nan matter space, and past adhd your individual options into each matter box. Click “Poll options” to fine-tune your poll. When you're ready, click “Post” to instantly people your poll.

the create canvass characteristic successful facebook

How to Create a Private Facebook Group

1. You person nan action to create a Private aliases Public Facebook group erstwhile you're first creating a group:

privacy options for facebook groups2. However, if you created a nationalist Facebook group and now want to make it private, you tin do that by clicking “Settings” nether “Manage Group” (from wrong your group):

manage group dashboard connected facebook3. Next, click nan pencil too “Privacy” and click connected nan “Private” bubble (Note: It takes 3 days to alteration a group from nationalist to private):

changing your group to backstage connected facebook

To study much astir nan benefits of having a backstage Facebook group, publication astir really HubSpot made nan determination to make its ain backstage Facebook group — plus, why nan societal squad feels nan Facebook group is captious for facilitating deeper, much meaningful connections betwixt HubSpot users and nan manufacture arsenic a whole.

Facebook Group Management Tips

1. Manage your Facebook Group effectively.

There are Facebook Groups for conscionable astir each niche you tin deliberation of. Whether your organization is dedicated to sharing memes, posting farming tips, aliases being a instrumentality page for a band, you'll want to group up rules for your group members, admins, and moderators.

What these rules dwell of is wholly up to your group admins, but you should statement that Facebook‘s policies supersede immoderate rules you make. It’s successful your group's champion liking to reappraisal Facebook's policies to beryllium judge you understand them and abide by them to debar suspension aliases deletion of your group.

So you've created your Facebook Group, group up immoderate rules, and invited a fewer first members. Where do you turn from here? The astir straightforward measurement to turn your Facebook Group is to induce friends who you deliberation would beryllium willing successful nan community.

2. Grow your Facebook Group.

Another measurement to turn nan group would beryllium to make it public, if it‘s private. This way, your group’s contented has a greeter chance of getting picked up and promoted done nan algorithm truthful that different Facebook users tin travel crossed it, engage, and subordinate nan community.

If your marque is influential connected different societal media platforms, beryllium judge to induce them to subordinate nan Facebook Group arsenic good to proceed nan conversation.

3. Beware nan benefits and challenges of having a Facebook Group.

The benefits of having a Facebook Group are plentiful, but you should ever measurement nan pros and cons of this undertaking.

You‘ll beryllium responsible for monitoring nan contented users station to nan group, comments that are published, and media that gets shared. If you person admins and moderators this work tin beryllium divided among respective people. That intends you’ll person to make judge nan rules are enforced justly and everyone is connected nan aforesaid page—no pun intended.

Consider whether you person clip to negociate this, really you‘ll people correct successful nan arena thing goes wrong, and really you’ll standard your squad and policies arsenic nan group grows.

Continue nan Conversation successful Facebook Groups

You're now connected your measurement to engaging pinch leads, prospects, aliases customers straight wrong your Facebook group to summation marque loyalty and value.

This station was primitively published successful April 2021 and has been updated for comprehensiveness.

This article was written by a human, but our squad uses AI successful our editorial process. Check retired our afloat disclosure to study much astir really we usage AI.

generate leads pinch facebook

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