How to Add Social Media Icons to Your Email Signature [+ Free Resources]

Trending 8 months ago

Did you cognize that a whopping 78% of consumers are consenting to acquisition from a institution aft having a affirmative acquisition pinch them connected societal media? But that can’t hap if they are incapable to find your company’s societal media channels successful nan first place.

Pile of mails to symbolize email

Adding societal media icons to your email signature is simply a elemental yet effective measurement to make it easy for your recipients to find and link pinch your marque connected societal media.

Create a new, on-brand email signature successful conscionable a fewer clicks. Get started here.  (It's free.)

To thief you do that, we’ll screen nan easiest ways to adhd societal media icons to your email signature, positive connection a fewer free resources to get it done. Throughout this blog post, we’ll screen nan pursuing topics:

  • How do I adhd societal media icons to my email signature?
  • Free Social Media Icons for Email Signatures
  • Should I put societal media icons successful my email signature?
  • What size should my societal media icons be?
  • What societal media sites should I see successful my email signature?
  • Should my societal media icons nexus to my business aliases individual account?
  • Where do I find my societal media links?

How Do I Add Social Media Icons to my Email Signature?

There are a fewer ways to adhd societal media icons to your email signature. The fastest and easiest measurement is to usage an email signature generator, but you tin besides adhd them arsenic an image straight wrong your email client.

Let’s dive into some methods 1 by one.

Method I: Use an Email Signature Generator

We urge utilizing a signature generator, like HubSpot’s free signature generator, for a fewer reasons. A generator will:

  • Automatically size nan societal media icons properly.
  • Make judge your icons lucifer your theme.
  • Align nan icons decently pinch nan remainder of nan signature.
  • Ensure your links are active.

Otherwise, you’ll person to manually adhd nan societal media icons to your email signature arsenic images and nexus these images pinch your societal profiles. This method requires much effort and method know-how.

Using HubSpot’s free signature generator, you tin prevention a batch of clip and effort.

Follow these steps to adhd societal media icons to your email signature pinch HubSpot’s free signature generator:

1. Choose your preferred email signature template.

2. Simply paste your societal links into nan correct fields, and nan generator does nan rest. (we’ll screen wherever to find your societal links below.)

3. Adjust nan look to suit your marque aliases style.

4. Add your headshot, institution logo, and CTA (optional).

5. Copy nan image aliases nan root codification and paste it into your email client.

Make your email signature for free.

Method II: Add an Image Within Your Email Client

Maybe you’re already happy pinch your existing signature, and you conscionable request to adhd societal media icons.

If that’s nan case, astir email clients (like Gmail, Outlook, etc.) will let you to adhd them arsenic an image to your signature and past nexus them pinch your societal media channels.

But there’s a problem pinch this approach. Adding images arsenic attachments to your outgoing emails tin impact your transportation rates.

While Gmail allows you to adhd societal media icons arsenic images utilizing nan image reside aliases URL, that’s intolerable successful nan lawsuit of different email clients for illustration Outlook, Yahoo Mail, and Apple Mail.

To adhd societal media icons arsenic images to your email signature, travel these steps:

  1. Find icons of nan correct size, shape, and color. (We’ve sewage immoderate options below).

  2. Right-click nan image of nan icon and prime “Copy image address” aliases “Copy image URL,” successful lawsuit you’re looking to upload to Gmail. For different email clients, you’ll person to download nan societal media icons successful nan shape of images and nexus them to your profiles.

  3. In your email client’s signature editor, click connected “Insert image.”

  4. Paste nan image URL into nan section fixed (in Gmail) aliases upload societal media icons arsenic images (in nan lawsuit of different email clients).

  5. Adjust nan placement and alignment of nan icon if needed.

  6. Copy nan societal nexus that matches nan icon you’re adding.

  7. Highlight nan recently added icon image and click “Insert link.”

  8. Paste nan societal nexus into nan field.

That being said, let’s understand really to adhd societal media icons to your email signatures crossed Gmail, Outlook, and Apple Mail.

How to Add Social Media Icons to Gmail Signature

To adhd societal media icons to your Gmail signature, travel these steps.

1. Click connected nan settings icon successful nan top-right corner.

2. Click connected “See each settings.”

3. Scroll down until you spot nan email signature editor.

4. Click connected “+ Create New” button.

5. You’ll beryllium asked to sanction your caller signature. In our case, we’ll sanction it “John Smith.” Once you type successful nan name, click connected “Create.”

If you’re looking to adhd societal media icons to your existing signature, conscionable click connected nan edit icon for that peculiar signature.

6. Now, you tin either paste nan signature from HubSpot’s free signature generator aliases travel nan instructions successful Method II to adhd societal media icons to your existing signature successful nan shape of images.

7. Under “Signature defaults,” prime your caller signature. You tin do it for some - caller and reply/forwarded emails.

8. Scroll to nan bottommost and click “Save changes.”

See much elaborate instructions on really to adhd a signature successful Gmail.

How to Add Social Media Icons to My Outlook Signature

To adhd societal media icons to your Outlook signature, travel these steps:

1. Click connected nan cogwheel icon successful nan top-right corner.

2. Click connected “View each Outlook settings.”

3. Select “Compose and reply.”

4. Under “Email Signature,” adhd your Signature name. In our case, we’ll sanction it “John Smith.” On nan different hand, if you’re looking to edit your existing signature, take nan sanction of nan signature you’re looking to edit from nan drop-down menu.

5. Paste your email signature (the 1 that we created successful HubSpot’s free signature generator) Or, if you’re conscionable looking to adhd societal media icons to your existing signature successful nan shape of images, travel nan instructions mentioned successful nan Method II section.

6. Under “Select default signature,” prime your caller signature. You tin do it for some - caller and reply/forwarded emails.

7. Click connected “Save” to prevention nan changes.

See much elaborate instructions on really to adhd a signature successful Outlook.

How to Add Social Media Icons to Apple Mail Signature

1. Click connected “Mail” and past “Settings” successful nan top-left corner.

2. Click connected nan “Signatures” tab.

3. Click connected nan “+” button, arsenic displayed successful nan screenshot below.

4. Name your email signature. In our case, we’ll sanction it “John Smith.”

5. Paste your email signature (the 1 that we created successful HubSpot’s free signature generator). Or travel nan instructions successful nan Method II conception to adhd images.

6. Uncheck nan container that says “Always lucifer my default connection font.”

7. Close nan pop-up window.

Free Social Media Icons for Email Signatures

Feel free to usage societal media icons successful your signature, aliases adhd immoderate automatically with HubSpot’s free email signature generator.

Below, you’ll find links to each societal media site’s marque kit. In each kit, you’ll find different sizes, shapes, colors, and record types.

  • Facebook Brand Kit
  • Twitter Brand Kit
  • Instagram Brand Kit
  • LinkedIn Brand Kit
  • TikTok Brand Kit
  • YouTube Brand Kit
  • Pinterest Brand Kit

Please note: By downloading nan icons from a marque kit and uploading them to your email client, you’ll beryllium adding them arsenic an attachment to each your outgoing emails. Adding attachments could impact your transportation rate.

You tin debar this by adding them utilizing nan method described earlier successful nan blog. However, that’s only applicable successful nan lawsuit of Gmail and not different email clients. So, it’s a amended action to usage HubSpot’s email signature generator.

Apart from this, you whitethorn person respective questions, which is why we’ve answered immoderate of nan astir communal questions related to adding societal media icons successful email signatures below.

So, let’s get started.

Should I put societal media icons successful my email signature?

Yes, you should put societal media icons successful your email signature. 20% of Millennial and Gen-Z consumers outright for illustration to usage societal media for customer service, according to a study by ZenDesk.

But nary matter what procreation your customers are, giving them much options makes it easier for them to interaction you.

What size should my societal media icons be?

Your societal media icons request to beryllium ample capable that your recipients tin easy click aliases pat connected them. But they must still beryllium mini capable to forestall distraction from nan remainder of your email signature.

If you’re adding them manually, commencement by looking for icons that are astir 21px by 21px and set from there.

Otherwise, an email signature generator should automatically size them to fresh your signature.

What societal media sites should I see successful my email signature?

Your email signature should see 3 to 5 links to nan societal media sites that are astir applicable to your business.

For example, a freelance photographer would decidedly want to see Instagram. On nan different hand, a recruiting agency would want to beryllium judge to see LinkedIn.

Whatever you decide, conscionable beryllium judge not to see immoderate unused icons. Broken links of immoderate benignant tin make your emails look unprofessional.

Some celebrated societal media sites to see include:

  • TikTok
  • WhatsApp
  • Pinterest
  • YouTube
  • Facebook
  • Twitter
  • Instagram
  • LinkedIn

Should my societal media icons nexus to my business aliases individual account?

In general, your societal media icons should nexus to your business's societal media accounts. This creates a azygous customer experience, and it’s besides a awesome measurement to boost your number of followers.

The objection to this norm is an worker who needs to beryllium contacted directly. For example, a recruiter aliases income rep whitethorn find it useful to nexus to their master LinkedIn account.

You’ll want to debar linking to individual accounts, moreover if you’re nan sole proprietor of nan business. Your backstage societal media whitethorn not ever bespeak nan image you want to convey to your customers.

Where do I find my societal media link?

To find your LinkedIn URL, travel these steps:

  1. Click connected nan “Me” icon successful nan apical correct of nan homepage.
  2. You’ll spot a drop-down menu. Click connected “View Profile.”
  3. Copy nan URL from nan URL barroom of your browser.
  4. Your nexus will look for illustration this:[username]

To find your Facebook URL, travel these steps:

  1. Click connected your Facebook account’s floor plan image icon successful nan top-right corner.
  2. Select your account’s sanction to onshore connected your profile.
  3. Copy nan URL from nan URL barroom of your browser.
  4. Your nexus will look for illustration this:[username]

To find your Twitter URL, travel these steps:

  1. Click connected “Profile” successful nan left-hand navigation bar.
  2. Copy nan URL from nan URL barroom of your browser.
  3. Your nexus will look for illustration this:[username]

To find your Instagram URL, travel these steps:

  1. Click connected your username successful nan top-right corner.
  2. Copy nan URL from nan URL barroom of your browser.
  3. Your nexus will look for illustration this:[username]/

To find your TikTok URL, travel these steps:

  1. Click connected your floor plan image successful nan top-right corner.
  2. Copy nan URL from nan URL barroom of your browser.
  3. Your nexus will look for illustration this:[username]

To find your YouTube URL, travel these steps:

  1. Click connected your floor plan image successful nan top-right corner.
  2. Select “Your channel.”
  3. Click connected “Customize channel.”
  4. You’ll beryllium redirected to YouTube Studio. Now, prime “Basic info.”
  5. Scroll down to find nan Channel URL aliases Custom URL. You tin usage either of these links.
  6. Your nexus will either look like:[username] aliases[channel ID]

To find your Pinterest URL, travel these steps:

  1. Click connected your floor plan image successful nan top-right corner.
  2. Copy nan URL from nan URL barroom of your browser.
  3. Your nexus will look for illustration this:[username]

Be More Social!

No matter which method you choose, adding societal media icons to your email signature is beneficial for some you and your customers. You’ll boost engagement pinch your brand, and your customers get to usage nan platforms they’re already comfortable with.

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